Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Hot Event - Promoceans' Proms Featured!

Our friend and fabulous New York City Photographer, Staci Schwartz ( is hosting an exhibition at the Robert V. Fullerton Art Museum in California from January 29 - May 9th 2009.

Her exhibit, Prom Show!, will feature a collection of work based only on PROMS. Some of these dynamite shots were taken at a Promoceans event like the photograph above from our annual Prom Fashion Show.

We say Good Luck to Staci as she shows the West Coast how Proms go down on the East Coast!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Mark Your Calendars!

March 20th 2009 is Tel-A-Vision day! No, it's not about watching your favorite shows - it's about students sharing their vision to the world.

With the help of students log on and create their own video filled with their hopes for the future. Students - simple sign up will give you a free account with access to tools for creation. Teachers - there is an easy six part downloadable curriculum.

It all wraps up on March 20th when a 24 hour showcase of videos will be shared and local "Best of" contests will be held. Don't miss out!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Promoceans Ltd. hits the Blogging Scene

Hi all! Welcome to our first official post - we're excited to start connecting with the student & teacher community. We'll be featuring guest bloggers from time to time and would love to hear from everyone!